How Your Brand Should Be Using IGTV

How Your Brand Should Be Using IGTV

IN ADDITION TO MY BLOG, I’M ALSO A CONTRIBUTOR FOR ENTREPRENEUR AND THRIVE GLOBAL | CHECK THEM OUT & KEEP READING! Video is one of the most effective formats of social media marketing – so much so that a recent survey found that 49% of people watch...
Vimeo Vs. Youtube: The Business Champ of 2021

Vimeo Vs. Youtube: The Business Champ of 2021

IN ADDITION TO MY BLOG, I’M ALSO A CONTRIBUTOR FOR ENTREPRENEUR AND THRIVE GLOBAL | CHECK THEM OUT & KEEP READING! When talking about video sharing websites, YouTube and Vimeo are among the most popular platforms. But which one is better? While both are...
Simple and Easy Ways to Get Backlinks in your Blog

Simple and Easy Ways to Get Backlinks in your Blog

IN ADDITION TO MY BLOG, I’M ALSO A CONTRIBUTOR FOR ENTREPRENEUR AND THRIVE GLOBAL | CHECK THEM OUT & KEEP READING! You just published a blog post that is value-adding and a worthwhile read, but it’s not driving any organic traffic to your site. As long...
SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2021

SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2021

IN ADDITION TO MY BLOG, I’M ALSO A CONTRIBUTOR FOR ENTREPRENEUR AND THRIVE GLOBAL | CHECK THEM OUT & KEEP READING! Having an optimized website is imperative to your success in reaching your marketing and sales goals. While search engine algorithms can change...