We’re all human. We connect to other humans to form a bond, to trust, and to ensure that we’re all surviving in this world with other humans. We all cannot live without one another, but that doesn’t mean we’re bound to one source for everything. In the business world, brands are made, which may cater to different types of people. Brands that are more humanized tend to attract more people, and that may vary on the type of product and audience they’re trying to target.

The Importance of Humanizing Brands

Humanizing and personalizing your brand can play a vital role in your consumer response. Each business has its way of promoting its brand and showcasing its products. Whichever way you decide to humanize your brand, you must use authenticity in doing so.

Ways to Humanize Your Brand

Have a BTS look into your company

To start, showing your customers what goes on behind the scenes (BTS) in your company gives them a feeling of reassurance. Reassurance will let the customers know that they are ordering from a reliable brand. It keeps them updated and included in the company’s journey and it also gives the company an authentic point of view about the other humans who work at the organization making the business easier to relate to.

Show that you care for social issues

Caring for social issues means that you’re emphatic about the ongoing chaos in the world. With this, it shows that you care for the marginalized. Show that you’re there for them and that you’d step up to help. More engagement means more help for the affected people, and that can give your business a positive reputation making your customers feel good about spending their money with your business.

Be yourself!

Nothing feels more human than being yourself! Write blogs with personality, engage with the users in your voice, and basically be as human as possible in your communications and tone! Let them know that you’re just like them. Show them that they can relate to you. You can make jokes and entertain them if that fits within your brand voice. 

Flex your staff

Staff can work as brand promoters as well. No one knows more about your brand than your staff! Show off the sides that bring the business to life. It keeps the users engaged in the company and can keep them hooked to your brand as the staff gives the brand personality.

Resources = Sales

Give your audience the idea that you’re here to provide them with solutions to their needs that you think will benefit them. Don’t link to your products on every social post or call to action, provide resources that are also not directly linked to customers spending money and they will begin to look to your organization for all that you can offer them.

Always keep your blog alive

Keeping your blog alive and active can keep the consumers updated with the latest updates regarding your products and business. Don’t go idle for long periods of time and only come out when there are new products/features to discuss. Most organizations can benefit from 1-3 blog posts a week.

User-generated content

If not collected content directly from your users or customers, this can also mean that you can share stories of how users have used your products and how these have impacted them. It gives the idea that your brand not only focuses on quality but also on the impact of the quality. You can use these to show other consumers that your products are good, approved by others, and can be trusted.

Remember that your customers are just like you: human

Always remember that all of us are human. Don’t treat them like they’re robots. Always keep in mind that people will trust you more if you are approachable and caring about their needs.

Apologize for any inconveniences or mistakes along the way

Transparency is always important. Strong customer service can either make or break a brand.. Honesty and humility will allow the consumers to understand that you, your staff, and your team, are human and are bound to mistakes, but when you do, you stand up and do what’s right. Whatever way you want to show your consumers that you’ve done something wrong, always be honest and open to them.

A “thank you” goes a long way

Lastly, thank your customers. Show your appreciation in whatever way you can. They are the backbone of your business and will continue to be as long as you make them feel appreciated and continue providing high-level service and/or products.

In closing

Humanizing your brand can add an immense amount of value. Identify your brand voice and values and use those as your guide for all communications.
Do you need help finding your brand’s voice? Contact us to schedule an online consultation and we’ll do magic together!

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