Marketing tips, tricks, press, musings, and profiles.
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Guilt and the Impact it Has on Your Business
Ugh – have you ever had that feeling that you could be doing more, that you’ve let your employees down or that you made a bad investment? The guilt that follows most situations and decisions can be insightful but it can also be detrimental. I was recently reflecting and analyzing my business…
Should I Continue to Bootstrap?
When is it time to look for funding? Tough question. And you know what? It is rare that you will find anyone to give you a definitive answer. What it really comes down to is – your business’s growth potential and finding the right fit for your company as well as your personality.
The Best Foods to Help You Do Biz
It’s snack time and I know what I’m supposed to snack on… according to my trainer – but I was wondering which foods would make me work harder and smarter with the most clarity, so I looked into it and here you are. Make sure you include these foods in your diet if you want to increase your brain function…
10 Free Tools Every Female Entrepreneur Should Use
Hopefully by now, you are familiar with Chic CEO so I won’t even be mentioning it in the list…but seriously, every female entrepreneur should know about all of the good stuff we provide at Now that we have that clear, there are also tons of other super useful…
Is MLM a Bad Word?
Ever been confused about how a “home business” works? Of course you have, many of us have. Most people have heard the term MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) and usually at the end of that the word, “scheme” is added – giving the whole business model a bad name. Well…let’s change your negative perception…
Cause Marketing and the Effects
If you have ever purchased a product or service and felt a little better about it because it had a little pink ribbon on it, you have likely been a patron of a cause marketing campaign. The concept refers to a type of marketing involving the cooperative efforts of a “for profit” business and…
Why Failure Is So Important To Success
Failure and more importantly studying others’ misfortunes is one of the most important educational tools we have. In fact there is an entire convention in the Bay Area for technology entrepreneurs, investors, developers and designers to study their own and others’ failures and prepare for success…
Holiday Gifts for the Female Entrepreneur in Your Life
Lights are being hung, Christmas music is playing on the radio and latkes are on many minds. So what do you get for that special, savvy and inspirational lady-preneur in your life? We thought we might make your holiday shopping a little easier for you this year with the help of one of our entrepreneurial buddies…
How To Create An Elevator Pitch
Whether you’re trying to raise capital, cold call or network, it’s essential to have an elevator pitch. The term “elevator pitch” it basically refers to giving a synopsis of your business in a condensed version – short enough to get your concept across to a person in the time between floors in an elevator.
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